Monthly Archives: May 2013

Aggressive homosexuals vs aggressive heterosexuals

This morning I created an image and posted it to Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Here’s the tweet:

For context: the phrase “aggressive homosexuals” comes from a speech yesterday in the House of Commons by Sir Gerald Howarth MP (Conservative, Aldershot) during the Report stage debate of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill. Sir Gerald is the current chairman of Conservative Way Forward and was Minister for International Security Strategy in the coalition government until September 2012 (according to his page on Wikipedia). Here’s where the phrase appeared in the speech:

“There are plenty in the aggressive homosexual community who see this [same-sex marriage] is as but a stepping stone to something even further.” (Hansard — no idea how persistent that link will be though.)

Sir Gerald doesn’t elaborate on exactly who the aggressive homosexual community are, or where he thinks the big gay stepping stone leads. As Hansard shows, a number of MPs tried to intervene at that point — perhaps to press him on this issue — but he declined to give way, as is his right.

It is difficult not to conclude that Sir Gerald sees pinks under the beds. He’s worked himself up into a froth about The Gays and believes that we, or at least a significant and influential slice thereof, subscribe to some kind of Gay Agenda to… I don’t know. Insinuate our way into marriage, and then what: use it to destroy the established church? I think the church is doing a perfectly good job of that itself over both gay people and women. Perhaps, looking at the context of the speech, he thinks our goal is to turn children to homosexuality by ensuring its mention in classrooms during discussions about marriage. Just as, presumably, teaching them about different religions converts them to all of those religions, or teaching them about contour lines turns them into a hill.

Back to the image.

The response has been fascinating. A steady stream of retweets throughout the day — perhaps not surprising, as it makes a strong statement on a topical, politically charged subject — and a few responses. Here are the negative replies so far:

“You do realise that despite your intentions, you’re labelling people with stereotypes.”

“That is way more offensive and way less clever than you think.”

“No. Aggressive homophobes.”

“What’s the intended goal of this? This seems to just further divide people (and straw-man the ‘other side’).”

“This is heterophobia.”

“Yeah a bit discriminatory. Ronnie Kray was a violent homosexual as was Richard the Lionheart. And let us not forget Dennis Nilsen. Violent people are of both persuasions.  Nothing to do with their sexuality.”

“Please be careful with that big stereotyping brush of yours eh?”

I haven’t replied to anyone, at least not yet. I probably won’t — it’s impossible to have meaningful debates in 140 characters. Perhaps some of them were unaware of Sir Gerald’s speech. Of course I’m stereotyping: so was Sir Gerald. Of course sexuality doesn’t determine whether you’re violent or not (but if you have to go back eight centuries for a counterexample — when sexuality was viewed very differently to today, incidentally — then you’re already on shaky ground).

The image is deliberately exaggerated, deliberately stereotypical. But it’s also showing an incontrovertible truth. You don’t, as a rule, see gay people demonstrating against straight people — Pride marches are positive in tone, not negative — but there are demonstrations by straight people against gay people, trying to deny us the rights they enjoy. There was a demonstration against equal marriage outside Parliament during the debate yesterday. And people like those shown in the image are beaten for no other reason than their sexuality. One of the men pictured was attacked last weekend with his boyfriend. Even 45 years after homosexuality was decriminalised in England and Wales it is still not safe for two men, breaking no law, to show affection wherever they wish in the way that a man and a woman can.

This is why the phrase aggressive homosexual community is so offensive. Gay people have suffered at the hands of the aggressive heterosexual community, indeed often through state-sponsored aggression, for several hundred years. We suffer still: religious leaders preach hate, political leaders deny us equality, and in some countries being open about our sexuality means a death sentence. And this is why I make no apology for the image, stereotypes and all.

But Sir Gerald Howarth is right on one point: we in the aggressive homosexual community do want equal marriage to be a stepping stone to something. We want it to be a stepping stone to the end of discrimination. To universal acceptance. To normality.

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Announcing 88press

88pressThe old publishing model is dying. To reuse an analogy I’m fond of, the asteroid has hit and the dinosaurs are, one by one, coughing their last. Small shrew-like creatures are blinking into the dust-red skies and mutating FTW.

Nobody knows which new model or models will succeed. Some shrews will evolve into primitive monkeys. Some will become mammoths. Some, cute little proto-horses. Some, rats. And maybe there’ll be a unicorn in there somewhere.

However it turns out, it’s evident that services previously provided in-house by traditional publishers are already being carved out into separate entities. For example, publishers now increasingly contract out copy-editing rather than keep copy-editors twiddling their blue pencils on payroll.

And in the brave new world of self-publishing, also known as indie publishing, writers are starting to recognise — after the initial DIY that’ll do phase — that high-quality books need third-party help: one or more of developmental editing, copy-editing, proofreading, cover design, charts and diagrams, and — for those who want print-on-demand dead-tree books — professional book design and layout.

Yes, authors can do these things themselves. No, most can’t do them very well, or well enough.

Enter 88press.

88press home page

88press aims to provide editorial and publishing services for indie/self-published writers. For words: copy-editing and proofreading services (developmental editing isn’t currently on the list). For graphics: cover design (ebooks and printed books), and charts and diagrams. Plus book template design and layout for print-on-demand, for those using CreateSpace or other similar services. In other words: a bunch of services previously provided by a traditional publisher, available on a pick-and-mix basis at reasonable cost.

To be clear: 88press is not a publisher in the old-school sense. I’ll put my own books out under the 88press label, and maybe one or two others, but I don’t plan to open the door to any old manuscript. Neither do I expect 88press to deal with marketing or distribution to retailers. The goal of 88press isn’t to become one of the dinosaurs: the days of cultural gatekeepers are over. The focus is on helping indie writers release the best book possible.

Find out more at Operators are standing by…

PS Also on Twitter, Facebook, Google+


Filed under Random